Un abonnement conçu POUR les automobilistes, PAR des automobilistes !

Souscrire à l'offre mensuelle

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Un abonnement conçu POUR les automobilistes, PAR des automobilistes !

Découvrez notre offre abonné

Souscrire l’offre d’abonnement Auto-Portail vous donne accès à l’ensemble des services proposés par notre plateforme

  • Vendez votre véhicule rapidement au juste prix (jusqu’à 10 requêtes mensuelles)

    - Model identification
    - The average selling price
    - Similar ads in real time
    - The discount to be expected.
  • Access exceptional discounts

    Profitez d’un an de frais de badge autoroutier gratuits.
  • Save money at the pump

    Use our tool to locate the cheapest gas station near where you are.
  • Enjoy simplified administrative procedures

    Auto-Portail vous permet d’effectuer simplement et rapidement l’ensemble des formalités administratives automobiles.
    Nos services sont accessibles directement depuis le site : demande de duplicata de permis, certificats de situation administrative et de cession d'un véhicule, vignette anti-pollution, vérification d’un chèque de banque, etc
  • Get professional advice on all your "auto" questions

    Our advisers are at your disposal from Monday to Friday, by phone or by email.

Our prices

Auto-Portail +

  • Accédez à l’ensemble des services pour seulement 39,90 €/mois.
  • Cancel at any time thanks to an offer without commitment
  • Enjoy 48 hours of trial for € 0,99 in case of occasional need.

Key figures in 2021

Source: Largus.fr

Available vehicles

+ 121 500

Ventes d'occasion en 2022

+ 812 000

A tool to help you sell your used car

Après une envolée des ventes en 2023, le marché français de l’occasion a subi un net recul en 2024, avec seulement 5 258 millions de transactions, soit une baisse de 13 % pour rapport à l’année précédente (source : NGC-Data®). Si les achats d’occasion devancent encore largement les acquisitions neuves (plus de deux véhicules sur trois sont achetés d’occasion), ce contexte tendu implique d’optimiser au mieux votre vente.

Thanks to our tools, easily access the identification of your vehicle and get the most accurate estimate of its price thanks to a real-time rating. Compare your property to the ads published on the second-hand market and adjust your price accordingly.

Good to know: Auto-Portail informs you about the depreciation of your vehicle at + 30, + 60 and + 90 days based on the weekly kilometers traveled.

Accèss to the market prices

Use our comparator to estimate your vehicle in a few clicks. Our tool analyzes the market situation in real time (price evolution, rotation time, depreciation, etc.) in order to provide you with the most accurate estimate of the value of your property.

Benefit from professional assistance in all your car-related administrative procedures

Our advisers assist you on a daily basis in all your administrative formalities.

  • Helping you sell
    Access a lot of information to optimize the sale of your vehicle, in particular:
    - Its attractiveness;
    - Its depreciation expected in the next 30, 60 and 90 days;
    - Its competition on the second-hand market: similar ads on sales sites, profile of sellers, etc.
  • Duplicate driving license
    Do you need a duplicate following the theft, loss or deterioration of your license? Request its sending by simply filling out the form provided for this purpose on our site.
    Auto-Portail + allows you to request up to five driving license duplicates per year.
  • Obtaining information on a vehicle
    Quickly obtain all the information relating to a vehicle: sales certificate, administrative non-pledge certificate (up to ten certifications per month), identification of a model.
  • Order of Crit'Air sticker
    The Crit'Air sticker is mandatory to circulate in low-emission mobility zones and when the alternating traffic is set up
    Thanks to Auto-Portail, benefit from five free Crit'Air stickers per year for your vehicle and those of your loved ones.
  • Verification of a bank check
    The bank check is the most used means of payment in car transactions between individuals. This option normally makes it possible to secure the operation, on the sole condition that the check is authentic.
    In order to reassure your sale, take advantage of our online verification service (up to 2 times per month). We will then question the bank to guarantee the provision of the issuer's account before the final sale of your vehicle.
  • Electronic toll badge
    Our subscription offer includes twelve months of free electronic toll badge fees (then € 2 / month, only the months when you use it).
    Save time at tolls, take the 30 km / h lane and avoid traffic jams at the terminal thanks to automatic payment by electronic toll badge. Take advantage of this simple, fast and secure tool free of charge for one year on the entire French motorway network.

Find the cheapest petrol station

Use our comparator to locate the cheapest petrol station nearby. While pump prices continue to rise, you have access to a simple and effective tool that will save you time and money.

Voitures les plus vendues en France en 2024






Peugeot 208 II

88 812


Dacia Sandero 3

64 293


Renault Clio V

64 012


Citroen C3 III

58 880


Peugeot 2008 II

51 454


Renault Captur II

45 577


Peugeot 308 III

41 656


Peugeot 3008 II

36 281


Dacia Duster 2

31 648


Renault Arkana

31 638

Source: Largus.fr

Good to know

Take into account the depreciation of your vehicle

Your customer account gives you access to our depreciation tool which allows you to know and anticipate the loss of value of your vehicle in the coming months according to the number of kilometers you perform every week.

A professional team at your disposal

Our advisers are available from Monday to Friday from 9:30 am to 6:30 pm. Contact them to be informed about your car-related procedures, obtain information about your customer area or our subscriber offer.

Available soon

Find auto-portail.com On all your devices. We are soon available on smartphone on the AppStore and Google Play.